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LA + DC: Save the Date(s)!

Two upcoming bi-coastal events to celebrate the launch of Going Viral: Zombies, Viruses, and the End of the World: For more info on the book, please visit:

How Alive Are You Willing To Be?

To paraphrase something I read recently by Anne Lamott: Have you asked yourself lately, “How alive am I willing to be?” “It’s time to get serious about joy and fulfillment,” she writes, “work on our books, songs, dances, gardens....

The Not-So-Magical Secret to Making Time to Write

In a perfect world, I wake up in the morning and make some tea, walk the dog, and then sit down in front of my computer to write. In a perfect world, I have all day to myself to read and write and think and create. In a perfect world, my email box is primarily empty,...