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On Hitchcock, Giving Up, and Being an Artist

I meant to watch Veep this weekend, but instead I watched Hitchcock because it showed up on the screen first. The movie, as a whole, wasn’t very good, and the lack of respect for factual accuracy made me mad, but something, in particular, made a very strong impression...

Introducing the Queen (of Hearts)

Three days after I submitted Another Kind of Monster to the publisher for copyediting, I began my first “proper” novel. This book, more than anything I have ever written, holds a special place in my heart. Since Lovergirl is told in diary format, Queen of Hearts feels...

Another Kind of Monster is Born

Even though I quit writing fiction, I didn’t stop writing entirely. Instead, I switched back to the short form, only this time to essays and articles rather than short stories. I wrote about art, film, celebrity, sexuality, and identity–topics that didn’t...