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Danger, Danger! Red Flags Ahead!

When you start dating someone, everyone always warns you about red flags. Watch out for the red flags, they say, in that condescendingly cautionary tone. So what are red flags? Red flags are those little things someone does that signal huge problems lurking just under...

Hey Guys, Carpe That Fucking Diem Already

Want to know what’s wrong with dating in LA? Well, here’s one of the things that’s wrong with dating in LA — and I think it’s a guy thing. In the last couple days, one guy told me that I was intimidating. And another guy told me that,...

I’ll See You Maybe: Our Culture of Unaccountability

So there’s this thing that everyone else seems to think is okay, which makes me feel like I’m a bitch because it bugs me, but I suspect that it actually bugs other people, we’ve just gotten so used to it that we don’t think to complain.When I...