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Let’s Not Watch Roseanne, OK?

You may or may not have noticed that Roseanne is back. Not Roseanne Barr–she never left–but Roseanne Conner with her accompanying family (Darlene, DJ, Dan, Becky, Jackie, etcetera). Various entertainment publications are abuzz about not only the...

Why Your Hipster T-Shirt Doesn’t Make You a Feminist

Mark Ruffalo’s delightful response to the “I Am Not a Feminist” phenomenon, in which he castigates the current trend of women (and maybe also men?) to distance themselves from the feminist label (“You’re insulting every woman who was...

Why Gravity Falls Flat

That Hollywood is a boy’s club is so self-evident, I have zero interest in repeating the common arguments or restating the common evidence. If you have any doubt about the lack of roles for women in front of the camera or behind it, just google it. It’s not new...