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If Only I Could Be So Brave

I grew up in America. My family may have spent summers in Israel, but I grew up American. When I finished high school, it did not cross my mind for a minute whether I should enlist in the Israeli army. Not for one second. So off I went to college. I didn’t have...

When There Is Nothing Left To Say

My work ethic keeps telling me that a blog post is long overdue. But as much as I try to bring myself to write one, I can’t. I’m in Tel Aviv right now, and it’s hard to bring myself to go to the beach. It’s hard to walk the streets, to shop, to...

Pictures of You, 20 Years Later: A Goth Flashback

The Cure’s “Pictures of You” came on last night, and instantly I was propelled back in time twenty years, to my senior year of high school. I remembered those late night drives, alone in my car, alone with The Cure, the sound of those keyboards, that...

How Alive Are You Willing To Be?

To paraphrase something I read recently by Anne Lamott: Have you asked yourself lately, “How alive am I willing to be?” “It’s time to get serious about joy and fulfillment,” she writes, “work on our books, songs, dances, gardens....