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“Mom, I am a rich man.”

I have daddy issues. My father was detached and disinterested (at best) for most of my childhood and adolescence before cutting off contact with me completely. A shadowy figure, usually working, often distant, frequently disapproving, he never seemed to provide me...

Why Shrill Sabotages Its Own Empowerment Message

(If you plan to watch Shrill and care about spoilers, definitely don’t read this until after you’ve caught up.) Shrill, one of Hulu’s recent contributions to original television content, is emphatically marketed as “empowering,” mainly...

The Problem with ‘A Star Is Born’

Warning: SPOILERS. Bradley Cooper and and Lady Gaga in a scene from A Star is Born, which Bradley Cooper also directed. Hollywood loves a good makeover montage, and the story told within A Star Is Born—successful musician stumbles upon a talented but unknown singer,...